Thursday, August 27, 2009

Crist takes sweet time to talk sweet

There are two schools of thought about Florida Gov. Charlie Crist.

The first is that he's impossible to beat. That's what the scientific polls say. The second is that he's remarkable vulnerable. That's what the straw polls (and The National Review) say.

The funny thing is that one of the two is probably completely right, and the other entirely wrong, but no one seems to know the answer-- even though extremes are, by definition, clear.

The Hill's Reid Wilson looks at how Crist is taking his sweet time in appointing an interim Senator to fill retiring Mel Martinez's seat. The point? Crist can mend fences by floating disgruntled names as possible replacements. You know, flattery.

But the fact he's taken so much time, and the fact that the time is so sweet indicates the straw polls might be onto something (But again, if straw polls were onto something, Mitt Romney would have been the nominee in '08).


Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (R) is using Sen. Mel Martinez's (R-Fla.) resignation to his political advantage, winning allies across the state as he searches for a replacement, whom he could name as early as this week.

.... as Crist faces his own battle for the seat to which he will appoint a caretaker, he is using the opportunity to make more friends than he is losing.

"Everybody he interviews is flattered. Who doesn't want to be known as being considered for a Senate seat?" [Orange County Republican party chairman Lew] Oliver asked.

Keep reading...


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