Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who needs 'em? Huntsman disses Hill GOP

Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is getting mighty cheeky these days:

"I don't even know the congressional leadership. I have not met them. I don't listen or read whatever it is they say because it is inconsequential - completely.... current leadership is benign. We need visionary leadership.... if it's good for country it will be good for party, ultimately."

Huntsman also uses the i/view to praise Newt Gingrich.

"I had Newt Gingrich in my office a few weeks ago. What did we talk about? We didn't talk about how you harpoon the opposition through gratuitous rhetoric. It was health care ... environment and energy reform. Real ideas."

Click here for the video.

[Hat tip: Mr. Glenn Thrush, who adds "We have placed the usual calls and are anticipating the usual no responses."]