Monday, January 12, 2009

PEM: Pawlenty's school plan will let corporate ads run amok

If Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty gets his way, Parents for Ethical Marketing warns that Verizon ads might soon drape school buses.

Background, from MPR:

Minnesota school districts and charter schools would be required to pool their purchasing power under a plan unveiled Wednesday at the State Capitol.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty and several legislators say public schools could save money on information technology, food services, supplies, equipment, transportation and other services by working cooperatively.

PEM looks ahead at the chilling dystopia that may emerge from Pawlenty's plan:

Watch out: How many of those preferred vendors for school supplies will be able to bid low because their products will double as advertisements?

How can we say no to advertising on school buses if it puts more money into the classroom?

How can we say no to ads on student exams if it means teachers don’t have to pay for the copies out of their pockets?

How can we say no to chain restaurants in the lunchroom if they offer us the best deal?

We already have the FedEx Orange Bowl, the Tostito's Fiesta Bowl, and the Allstate Sugar Bowl. Why not let the kids get used to life in 21st century America?